Routine Of Five Days
• Reporting day:
(a) Reception.
(b) Checking of documents.
What to bring with you and what are prohibited items (explained below)
What are the Documents Required (explained below)
(c) Allotment of chest numbers.
(d) Candidates are photographed.
(e) Administration Staff's address
(f) Writing of unforgettable incident.
1st Testing day: Psychologist's day
(a) Opening Address by a Deputy President
(b) Psychological Tests:
Intelligence Test
Psychological Tests
(c) Announcement of screening out result
(d) Remaining Psychological Tests (Screened out Candidates will not attend the subsequent tests)
2nd Testing day: GTO's day
(a) Briefing
(b) Indoor Tasks:
Group discussions.
Group planning.
(c) Outdoor Tasks:
Progressive group tasks (PGT).
Half group tasks (HGT).
(d) Interview.
3rd Testing day: GTO's day
(a) Outdoor Tasks:
Individuals obstacles
Command Task.
Final group task.
(b) Mutual assessment
(c) Interview (left overs)
Day 5
4th Testing day: Conference day
(a) Conference.
(b) Re-interview (if required)
(c) Payment of TA/DA
(d) Departure
• Reporting day:
(a) Reception.
(b) Checking of documents.
What to bring with you and what are prohibited items (explained below)
What are the Documents Required (explained below)
(c) Allotment of chest numbers.
(d) Candidates are photographed.
(e) Administration Staff's address
(f) Writing of unforgettable incident.
1st Testing day: Psychologist's day
(a) Opening Address by a Deputy President
(b) Psychological Tests:
Intelligence Test
Psychological Tests
(c) Announcement of screening out result
(d) Remaining Psychological Tests (Screened out Candidates will not attend the subsequent tests)
2nd Testing day: GTO's day
(a) Briefing
(b) Indoor Tasks:
Group discussions.
Group planning.
(c) Outdoor Tasks:
Progressive group tasks (PGT).
Half group tasks (HGT).
(d) Interview.
3rd Testing day: GTO's day
(a) Outdoor Tasks:
Individuals obstacles
Command Task.
Final group task.
(b) Mutual assessment
(c) Interview (left overs)
Day 5
4th Testing day: Conference day
(a) Conference.
(b) Re-interview (if required)
(c) Payment of TA/DA
(d) Departure
Good And
Bad Habbits
A very important question was asked by someone regarding a very important question of ISSB. This question is asked in different formats but the answer which they are looking for is related to your personality...
Questions are:
Write 3 good and bad qualities of yourself?
Write 3 good qualities of your friend or what do you like about your friend? (actually they are your qualities)
Write 3 bad qualities of your friend or what is it that you dont like in your friend?
Which are the three qualities of yours that your friends like? (your good qualities)
Which are the three qualities of yours that your enemies like? ( your weaknesses)
What is the purpose of these questions?
The first purpose is to see if you know about your own self or not, its a SWOT analysis of your self (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). If a person knows about him/her self he can handle any situation and has a better judgment power.
The second purpose of these questions like almost all of the questions at ISSB is to see if you are telling the truth or lies.
Since this is a PET question in ISSB its better to prepare it first. Like always, here again ill tell you to think about your self and try to come up with your answers. Because if you write your real weaknesses(bad habits) and good traits then you would be able to answer exactly the same else where if asked.
Here is what you have to think before answering these important questions...
Dont Lie 100% . 20 or 30% is allowed :-) (write your good things which are in you and bad which are)
Note if you are writing a bad habit it shouldnt be that bad which would make a negative impact on selectors e.g. "I lie, I cheat" etc.
Dont try to be too positive which would clearly show you are lieing, e.g. "i am very honest, i never lie" etc. (everyone lies its human nature)
If you are very creative try to portray you negatives in a way as if they appear to be positive...e.g. "Sometimes in order to keep up with my study schedule i cut my time which i plan to spend with my family" (This is an example....DO NOT COPY....)
Here are some of the examples of good habits.
I try my level best to be punctual.
I try to be social.
I respect elders as for me respect of elders is very important
And for bad habits...
I am not regular in prayes (if offcourse you are not, if you are, you should write in good habits).
I take alot of tea. (Similar can be made, but such should be written at the end)
I am a miser ( meaning Kanjoos)
I hope you have got the idea.
A very important question was asked by someone regarding a very important question of ISSB. This question is asked in different formats but the answer which they are looking for is related to your personality...
Questions are:
Write 3 good and bad qualities of yourself?
Write 3 good qualities of your friend or what do you like about your friend? (actually they are your qualities)
Write 3 bad qualities of your friend or what is it that you dont like in your friend?
Which are the three qualities of yours that your friends like? (your good qualities)
Which are the three qualities of yours that your enemies like? ( your weaknesses)
What is the purpose of these questions?
The first purpose is to see if you know about your own self or not, its a SWOT analysis of your self (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). If a person knows about him/her self he can handle any situation and has a better judgment power.
The second purpose of these questions like almost all of the questions at ISSB is to see if you are telling the truth or lies.
Since this is a PET question in ISSB its better to prepare it first. Like always, here again ill tell you to think about your self and try to come up with your answers. Because if you write your real weaknesses(bad habits) and good traits then you would be able to answer exactly the same else where if asked.
Here is what you have to think before answering these important questions...
Dont Lie 100% . 20 or 30% is allowed :-) (write your good things which are in you and bad which are)
Note if you are writing a bad habit it shouldnt be that bad which would make a negative impact on selectors e.g. "I lie, I cheat" etc.
Dont try to be too positive which would clearly show you are lieing, e.g. "i am very honest, i never lie" etc. (everyone lies its human nature)
If you are very creative try to portray you negatives in a way as if they appear to be positive...e.g. "Sometimes in order to keep up with my study schedule i cut my time which i plan to spend with my family" (This is an example....DO NOT COPY....)
Here are some of the examples of good habits.
I try my level best to be punctual.
I try to be social.
I respect elders as for me respect of elders is very important
And for bad habits...
I am not regular in prayes (if offcourse you are not, if you are, you should write in good habits).
I take alot of tea. (Similar can be made, but such should be written at the end)
I am a miser ( meaning Kanjoos)
I hope you have got the idea.
Bio Data
Bio data form is the first thing you encounter when you go for ISSB. Bio data form is a multi sheet form which requires different personal information regarding you. This form is very important.This form is with the interviewer on the third day of I.S.S.B. and he asked questions related to you by reading from that form.
This form contains some general questions which you need to answer. But there are some questions about which most of the candidates dont know about, and they face difficulty while filling that form, I' ll jot down some of those important questions here.
CAST and SUB CAST question:
One question is related to your CAST, which means your "zaat" and its second part is SUB CAST. What Cast means is whether you are "Raja" "Malik" "Chohadry" etc. and subcast means "Awan", " Janua", " chandio". For example if there is a candidate who'se name is "Raja Waqar Ali Awan" This means that RAJA is his cast and Awan Sub cast. If any of you dont know about your cast and sub cast its recommended that you ask your father and prepare the answer .
About your Date Of Birth:
Another question that is a bit tricky is related to your date of birth, you are asked to calculate your age to the day your are at ISSB. Meaning how may years, months, and days old are you today?
For instance my date of birth is 6th May 1982 and today its 4 April 2008, how should i calculate my Age? The answer is simple . Do simple subtraction
4 - 4 - 2008 (minus)
6 - 5 - 1982
gives you 25 years 10 months 28 days. This is what you have to write over there.
About your relatives in Armed Forces:
Another question asked is about your relatives who are in the armed forces of Pakistan. Now thats a bit tricky one, that not only ask for names and ranks, they also ask where they are posted now, and what is their current address, you have to prepare and ask them before going for ISSB what is their current address so that you are not worried over there and scratching your head
A frequent reader of my blog couple of days ago asked a very important question that previously slipped my mind. The question is related to the bio data form, This question is about writing some event in your life. The title of the event is written and you have to write one based on it from your life.
The topic can be "write about the most tragic event of your life" , "write about the unforgettable incident of your life" "the most happiest event of your life" "the most shocking event of your life"
The main purpose of this question is to get to know you better, to see your emotional level, to see what kind of things you can bear, and how eventful your life has been, and if the event is life changing, then how has it influenced your life.
I would highly recommend you to prepare all of these topics in a way that they truely are from your real life, and also off course positive. Tragic event can be the death of some close loved one, unforgettable incident can either be tragic or happy event, the word "unforgettable" has the meaning that its something that was so startling that you just cannot forget about it for the rest of your life, so it can be some happy event, like for example you met someone you take as hero, or you got a chance to be on live TV or something like this. Most shocking as the title says can be both positive or negative but again positive shock and happy shock is advised.
The reason why am I saying is the event should be from your real life is that they might ask you questions related to that event, especially the interviewer if he finds it interesting or has the suspicion that its a made up fake event, if its such an unforgettable event and it really happened then you might give a hint of it in any of the psychological tests, thats natural. You can only defend it if it actually happened, it cant be a mega event, it can be a simple event, like getting first position in 7th grade, or getting something really interesting as winning a debating compitition in your school or college, anything that is appealing and real can be written.
You have to right at most 7 to 10 lines which are more then enough, but it plays a key role in your I.S.S.B
Bio data form is the first thing you encounter when you go for ISSB. Bio data form is a multi sheet form which requires different personal information regarding you. This form is very important.This form is with the interviewer on the third day of I.S.S.B. and he asked questions related to you by reading from that form.
This form contains some general questions which you need to answer. But there are some questions about which most of the candidates dont know about, and they face difficulty while filling that form, I' ll jot down some of those important questions here.
CAST and SUB CAST question:
One question is related to your CAST, which means your "zaat" and its second part is SUB CAST. What Cast means is whether you are "Raja" "Malik" "Chohadry" etc. and subcast means "Awan", " Janua", " chandio". For example if there is a candidate who'se name is "Raja Waqar Ali Awan" This means that RAJA is his cast and Awan Sub cast. If any of you dont know about your cast and sub cast its recommended that you ask your father and prepare the answer .
About your Date Of Birth:
Another question that is a bit tricky is related to your date of birth, you are asked to calculate your age to the day your are at ISSB. Meaning how may years, months, and days old are you today?
For instance my date of birth is 6th May 1982 and today its 4 April 2008, how should i calculate my Age? The answer is simple . Do simple subtraction
4 - 4 - 2008 (minus)
6 - 5 - 1982
gives you 25 years 10 months 28 days. This is what you have to write over there.
About your relatives in Armed Forces:
Another question asked is about your relatives who are in the armed forces of Pakistan. Now thats a bit tricky one, that not only ask for names and ranks, they also ask where they are posted now, and what is their current address, you have to prepare and ask them before going for ISSB what is their current address so that you are not worried over there and scratching your head
A frequent reader of my blog couple of days ago asked a very important question that previously slipped my mind. The question is related to the bio data form, This question is about writing some event in your life. The title of the event is written and you have to write one based on it from your life.
The topic can be "write about the most tragic event of your life" , "write about the unforgettable incident of your life" "the most happiest event of your life" "the most shocking event of your life"
The main purpose of this question is to get to know you better, to see your emotional level, to see what kind of things you can bear, and how eventful your life has been, and if the event is life changing, then how has it influenced your life.
I would highly recommend you to prepare all of these topics in a way that they truely are from your real life, and also off course positive. Tragic event can be the death of some close loved one, unforgettable incident can either be tragic or happy event, the word "unforgettable" has the meaning that its something that was so startling that you just cannot forget about it for the rest of your life, so it can be some happy event, like for example you met someone you take as hero, or you got a chance to be on live TV or something like this. Most shocking as the title says can be both positive or negative but again positive shock and happy shock is advised.
The reason why am I saying is the event should be from your real life is that they might ask you questions related to that event, especially the interviewer if he finds it interesting or has the suspicion that its a made up fake event, if its such an unforgettable event and it really happened then you might give a hint of it in any of the psychological tests, thats natural. You can only defend it if it actually happened, it cant be a mega event, it can be a simple event, like getting first position in 7th grade, or getting something really interesting as winning a debating compitition in your school or college, anything that is appealing and real can be written.
You have to right at most 7 to 10 lines which are more then enough, but it plays a key role in your I.S.S.B
Association Test (WAT)
Word association test or WAT is one of the famous tests of psychology. The main purpose of this test is to get a clear idea about a candidates thinking. You may be wondering how can they check our thinking ? well its quite simple actually. Humans think about something if they get some time, but if there is no time at all then we act on the very first thought that comes in our mind.
What happens in this test is that you are shown a word on which you have to make a sentence. The problem is that you only have 10 seconds to think and write a sentence on that particular word. Words rage from 60 to 100 depends on policies of ISSB. Most of the words are repeated in order to see if the candidate has the same mode of thinking or not, usually after 15 20 sentences candidate's mind begins to give up thinking and he/she starts writing whatever comes in mind in split of a second, he doesn't know what he has written in the test when it finishes , the test actually get the true thinking of the candidate on the paper.
Words are quite simple, like flower, garden, country, mother, girl, boy or they can be difficult like lie, defeat, fear, coward, death. These words are difficult in the sense as they have negative thought with them. If some candidate has fear of something he might write something related to it.
In word association test its not necessary to have that word in sentence, something associating to it can also be written.
like for word GARDEN sentences can be
1. There is a garden in front of my house.
2. Flowers are beautiful
3. I go for jogging in the morning.
4. There are many trees in the garden.
Now in these examples 1 and 4 are although correct but they are childish, psychologist would not consider them that much,. Flowers are beautiful is an association with garden as flowers which are beautiful might be in a garden, same goes for jogging, a person might go for jogging in a garden. But this sentence is of more interest to psychologist as he would capture the idea that the candidate goes for jogging and other healthy activities ( a positive sign).
Similiarly for sentence of MOTHER
1. I love my mother
2. I Respect elders
3. I love Pakistan
are possible sentences. I love my mother would so your affectionate side, I respect elders means you respect your mother....( Note: if you write this sentence here and you write in you good habits that you respect your elders, then it would match, it would show that you truly respect elders thats why your thought process thinks of respect.) I love Pakistan is also a good sentence as Pakistan is our mother land and it would show that candidate is a true patriot.
For word like FEAR sentences can be
1. I fear Allah
2. child is afraid of dark
3. he is afraid he would fail
Now these sentences are showing a complete contrast. Fear Allah is excellent as Muslims only fear Allah and nothing else. But in case of fear of dark, psychologist would instantly guess that the candidate has some issue with dark, "he is afraid he would fail" is a totally negative sentence as it clearly shows that the candidate is not confident and is not sure of his success.
NOTE: From the above examples you might have now realized that this test is not something to be taken as a joke, psychologist develops his perception about you on the sentences you write, if you joke around by writing silly sentences it can create big trouble for you. So practice such sentences as much as possible in order increase your speed, and increasing your thinking ability.
Word association test or WAT is one of the famous tests of psychology. The main purpose of this test is to get a clear idea about a candidates thinking. You may be wondering how can they check our thinking ? well its quite simple actually. Humans think about something if they get some time, but if there is no time at all then we act on the very first thought that comes in our mind.
What happens in this test is that you are shown a word on which you have to make a sentence. The problem is that you only have 10 seconds to think and write a sentence on that particular word. Words rage from 60 to 100 depends on policies of ISSB. Most of the words are repeated in order to see if the candidate has the same mode of thinking or not, usually after 15 20 sentences candidate's mind begins to give up thinking and he/she starts writing whatever comes in mind in split of a second, he doesn't know what he has written in the test when it finishes , the test actually get the true thinking of the candidate on the paper.
Words are quite simple, like flower, garden, country, mother, girl, boy or they can be difficult like lie, defeat, fear, coward, death. These words are difficult in the sense as they have negative thought with them. If some candidate has fear of something he might write something related to it.
In word association test its not necessary to have that word in sentence, something associating to it can also be written.
like for word GARDEN sentences can be
1. There is a garden in front of my house.
2. Flowers are beautiful
3. I go for jogging in the morning.
4. There are many trees in the garden.
Now in these examples 1 and 4 are although correct but they are childish, psychologist would not consider them that much,. Flowers are beautiful is an association with garden as flowers which are beautiful might be in a garden, same goes for jogging, a person might go for jogging in a garden. But this sentence is of more interest to psychologist as he would capture the idea that the candidate goes for jogging and other healthy activities ( a positive sign).
Similiarly for sentence of MOTHER
1. I love my mother
2. I Respect elders
3. I love Pakistan
are possible sentences. I love my mother would so your affectionate side, I respect elders means you respect your mother....( Note: if you write this sentence here and you write in you good habits that you respect your elders, then it would match, it would show that you truly respect elders thats why your thought process thinks of respect.) I love Pakistan is also a good sentence as Pakistan is our mother land and it would show that candidate is a true patriot.
For word like FEAR sentences can be
1. I fear Allah
2. child is afraid of dark
3. he is afraid he would fail
Now these sentences are showing a complete contrast. Fear Allah is excellent as Muslims only fear Allah and nothing else. But in case of fear of dark, psychologist would instantly guess that the candidate has some issue with dark, "he is afraid he would fail" is a totally negative sentence as it clearly shows that the candidate is not confident and is not sure of his success.
NOTE: From the above examples you might have now realized that this test is not something to be taken as a joke, psychologist develops his perception about you on the sentences you write, if you joke around by writing silly sentences it can create big trouble for you. So practice such sentences as much as possible in order increase your speed, and increasing your thinking ability.
Writing Tips.
1. Take a while to actually think of a story before stating to write.5 to 10 sec are enough if you have practiced at your home. Those who dont practice sit idle for 30 sec but still cant come up with a plot for the story. "Practice makes a man perfect".
2. Do not write childish stories like " She was walking alone on a road at night when all of a sudden..... a lion came before her and she started screaming then superman came for her rescue" Try to make a little bit practical stories like "she saw an army jeep coming towards her, it stopped near her and a major came out, he asked what are you doing out so late, she told that her father is sick at home and all of the family is out of town, she couldn't find anyone to help so she took the courage and went on her own to go to near by Cantonment hospital, Major made a wireless call for an ambulance and took the girl to her home to her father. Ambulance came and took him to hospital and he recovered". This story although is quite short and does not satisfy the few rules ill mention but it makes a negative situation quite positive, clears any doubts, and shows courage and decision making ability.
3. I personally find sentence story more difficult then picture story. Because in picture story u can carve out anything.
4. In case of picture story you need to look at the picture, think of something relating to the situation. try to include each and every character in the picture and the surroundings.
5. Usually the following sequence is adopted... first 2 3 lines give an introduction of the main character and PAST. 2 3 lines tell about the PRESENT and what is happening in the picture and the last 2 3 lines tell about some positive future happening from this scene.
6. Six months back i had a similar psychology test and the pic showed a boy sitting on stairs. I made a story "Ali is in class 5, today he got his final result and he stood first in his class, he is very happy. He is now sitting on the stairs waiting for his father to come so that he can tell the good news to him. His father a laborer when came home in the evening was so delighted to hear the news. He was proud of his son's achievement. Ali continued his successful record and became an engineer"
7. You would have to write 5 to 6 stories in total, Do not include Army in all the stories. At max include army/navy /airforce in 3 stories. Like in above example you can write, he joined armed forces of Pakistan.
8. Try to include something of your past in the stories, to make them more real. Like i included 5th class because i got a scholarship and i did mention it in my bio data form, meaning that you have to relate your self to them.
9. Try to avoid accidents, tragedy, death, in the stories.
10. i remember in my ISSB we were shown a picture which was nothing but black background and on it were small dots(at least this is what i thought of it) I made a story that this is a photo copy of a painting by Gp Capt S M A Hussaini of attack on an Indian airbase by our Bomber at night. There is alot of anti aircraft fire in the dark.....
In the other type of story writing test, you are given a statement, a sentence of some sort which is incomplete, giving you a vague idea about some situation, and you have to continue on wards and make a story out of it. I believe this test is a bit tricky and requires more concentration then imagination compared to the above mentioned story writing test. Same way you are given 30 seconds to think and then 3 min to write a story.
In group discussion these are the things you have to be careful about.
Try to be calm, tension is there as it’s a very important task and you have a tough competition before you.
Sit in a proper way, don’t look casual.
When you are given a topic by GTO listen to it carefully, and for a second or two, revise what he said, in your mind to get a clear idea about the topic so that you can arrange your thoughts about the topic.
Its written in many books and many people say that you should take initiative. That’s not a good idea. The initiator is always in trouble if he has not properly understood the topic, and if he has he would start the topic and give a long speech, which is totally a wrong approach.
You keep quiet for a while and see if someone other tries to start the discussion, in the mean time keep your mind busy thinking about the topic.
If everyone is looking at each other like idiots for 3 4 seconds then start and take the initiative.
When you initiate you should explain the topic don’t say that I agree or disagree and jump to conclusions, save it for the second turn which you would get.
If the topic is simple then you can give your views as well when you initiate.
Don’t take too much time it might irritate other members and GTO.
Don’t say “I agree with chest no. 123…” do not make another guy look good, it would give an impression that you take him as your leader. You should use words like “I agree with the argument that………..”
While talking don’t look at the GTO, keep your neck on the move, look at all the members “sab per nazar doraani hay” giving the impression that you are addressing all of the members. Some people look down other look at the wall or ceiling or just one of the group members, don’t ever do that, it would have a very negative impression.
Don’t get aggressive if someone constantly goes against you, just be calm and have a slight smile.
When you see some member is not getting a chance to talk , while others are in argument, just break them by saying “ Gentlemen I think we should give a chance to chest no./….. to express his views”. This would have a superb impact on your image
In group discussion these are the things you have to be careful about.
Try to be calm, tension is there as it’s a very important task and you have a tough competition before you.
Sit in a proper way, don’t look casual.
When you are given a topic by GTO listen to it carefully, and for a second or two, revise what he said, in your mind to get a clear idea about the topic so that you can arrange your thoughts about the topic.
Its written in many books and many people say that you should take initiative. That’s not a good idea. The initiator is always in trouble if he has not properly understood the topic, and if he has he would start the topic and give a long speech, which is totally a wrong approach.
You keep quiet for a while and see if someone other tries to start the discussion, in the mean time keep your mind busy thinking about the topic.
If everyone is looking at each other like idiots for 3 4 seconds then start and take the initiative.
When you initiate you should explain the topic don’t say that I agree or disagree and jump to conclusions, save it for the second turn which you would get.
If the topic is simple then you can give your views as well when you initiate.
Don’t take too much time it might irritate other members and GTO.
Don’t say “I agree with chest no. 123…” do not make another guy look good, it would give an impression that you take him as your leader. You should use words like “I agree with the argument that………..”
While talking don’t look at the GTO, keep your neck on the move, look at all the members “sab per nazar doraani hay” giving the impression that you are addressing all of the members. Some people look down other look at the wall or ceiling or just one of the group members, don’t ever do that, it would have a very negative impression.
Don’t get aggressive if someone constantly goes against you, just be calm and have a slight smile.
When you see some member is not getting a chance to talk , while others are in argument, just break them by saying “ Gentlemen I think we should give a chance to chest no./….. to express his views”. This would have a superb impact on your image
Command task is one of the most important tasks you have with your GTO. After seeing your performance in the Discussions, GTO by now has made a judgment about you and would like to check you more and verify his decision whether you are to be recommended by him or now.
First of all your whole group would be called for fall in, meaning you would be ask to stand in a straight line. Then GTO would ask who would like to become the first commander. It has been seen that almost all the candidates raise their hand. But its up to GTO to select one among you all. Usually he picks the candidates based on his assumption that guy no 1 is the best among the rest according to his performance in discussion and should be tested first. But this is not a hard and fast rule. He might pick anyone.
Now comes a tricky part. He selects one candidate and takes him to the Command task. During that walk he asks the candidates some questions. He says that this is an "informal discussion and has nothing to do with ISSB" but in reality its also an assessment. He asks you questions like "aj kal kia ker rahay ho?" and other question in very polite and friendly manner as if he is your close friend. Thats a trick to get an insight. BE CAUTIOUS.
When you reach the task, he gives you a briefing, telling you about the time you have, which items you can use like drum, ropes, planks etc. He would tell you which points are "out of bound" marked red , which are "in bound" which are "out of bound for you but in bound for your items" marked with red and yellow strips. Ground is usually out of bound. Out of bound means that if you touch that point it would be a foul and you would have to do it again. More over, some times even jumping and throwing are also declared foul.
NOTE: Listen to his briefing clearly and remember the position of how the items(drums ropes planks) are placed before the task, as you have to put them back in the same position and order after the task. After hearing the entire briefing, call your group and then the you start the task.After getting the briefing from the GTO , he would give you some seconds to think of a plan as how you would get the people across. After that time you have to call your group. Once they arrive you have to give them briefing as given to you by the GTO. Usually in Command tasks the main objective is to transport the material and the group across a certain piece of land which has some ditches, some ( pi ) shaped wooden stands on which you have to put the plank and cross that particular piece of land.
After giving the briefing to the group you have to ask them if they have any questions. If they say NO, then you should tell them your plan as how you want to get the things done. If some one gives a valuable advise then consider it other wise if some one in your group tries to show efficiency and act as a "smart ass" ignore his points and make the people concentrate on your plan. You should only change your plan if its not working and there is a strong opposition of the group.
In my case the group wanted to opt for a path which I didnt. But when they all said no we should go for their choice I let them. But they failed. So i moved forward my self and showed them what I was planning was actually right, and when i executed my plan my self I actually did it what others could not do.
When your task is over then try to perform well in other's task, dont try to show off efficiency, but actually perform efficiently. GTO will be monitoring each and everyone. And when others would see that you give valuable suggestions, and act efficiently they would even rely on you and that makes a great impression before the GTO.
Some words of Advice and caution:
1. When you are a commander dont think that you are just to give orders and others will execute. When your help is needed, you should work with the group.
2. Avoid using the words "difficult" "impossible" "no" " not" "never" etc. Instead of saying "doing this would be difficult" you can say "doing this would be more TIME CONSUMING".
3. Call everyone with their chest number not by their name. Its a foul to call them by their name.
4. Use the people in your group wisely. Those who are trouble makers , keep them behind or away from the critical work. Those who are physically strong, make them lift loads like drums and planks. Those who are slim, to climb up the plank. Those who are thin and tall are good for jumping. In other words you should use your human resource efficiently.
5. In other's command task when you have a suggestion you should convey it first to Commander "Sir if we do this it would save alot of time" or "it would help us greatly". THis would catch the attention of GTO.
6. Always try to remain at the most critical point of the Task from where u can get the task done.
7. Its not compulsory that the task gets completed in the time alloted, when the GTO sees that the task would get completed or there is no way it would get done in time, he usually tells to stop and finishes it to save time. In my own task just 1st step was done in time and the whole task was still to be done, but when GTO saw that i can do it, he said "your time is up". GTO just wants to check your nerves , your ability to command others, your ability to come up with instant plans to solve some problem or challenge.
8. When the time is UP, put all the planks drums and other stuff back to their original place where they were at the start of the task. In exactly the same order.
Command task is one of the most important tasks you have with your GTO. After seeing your performance in the Discussions, GTO by now has made a judgment about you and would like to check you more and verify his decision whether you are to be recommended by him or now.
First of all your whole group would be called for fall in, meaning you would be ask to stand in a straight line. Then GTO would ask who would like to become the first commander. It has been seen that almost all the candidates raise their hand. But its up to GTO to select one among you all. Usually he picks the candidates based on his assumption that guy no 1 is the best among the rest according to his performance in discussion and should be tested first. But this is not a hard and fast rule. He might pick anyone.
Now comes a tricky part. He selects one candidate and takes him to the Command task. During that walk he asks the candidates some questions. He says that this is an "informal discussion and has nothing to do with ISSB" but in reality its also an assessment. He asks you questions like "aj kal kia ker rahay ho?" and other question in very polite and friendly manner as if he is your close friend. Thats a trick to get an insight. BE CAUTIOUS.
When you reach the task, he gives you a briefing, telling you about the time you have, which items you can use like drum, ropes, planks etc. He would tell you which points are "out of bound" marked red , which are "in bound" which are "out of bound for you but in bound for your items" marked with red and yellow strips. Ground is usually out of bound. Out of bound means that if you touch that point it would be a foul and you would have to do it again. More over, some times even jumping and throwing are also declared foul.
NOTE: Listen to his briefing clearly and remember the position of how the items(drums ropes planks) are placed before the task, as you have to put them back in the same position and order after the task. After hearing the entire briefing, call your group and then the you start the task.After getting the briefing from the GTO , he would give you some seconds to think of a plan as how you would get the people across. After that time you have to call your group. Once they arrive you have to give them briefing as given to you by the GTO. Usually in Command tasks the main objective is to transport the material and the group across a certain piece of land which has some ditches, some ( pi ) shaped wooden stands on which you have to put the plank and cross that particular piece of land.
After giving the briefing to the group you have to ask them if they have any questions. If they say NO, then you should tell them your plan as how you want to get the things done. If some one gives a valuable advise then consider it other wise if some one in your group tries to show efficiency and act as a "smart ass" ignore his points and make the people concentrate on your plan. You should only change your plan if its not working and there is a strong opposition of the group.
In my case the group wanted to opt for a path which I didnt. But when they all said no we should go for their choice I let them. But they failed. So i moved forward my self and showed them what I was planning was actually right, and when i executed my plan my self I actually did it what others could not do.
When your task is over then try to perform well in other's task, dont try to show off efficiency, but actually perform efficiently. GTO will be monitoring each and everyone. And when others would see that you give valuable suggestions, and act efficiently they would even rely on you and that makes a great impression before the GTO.
Some words of Advice and caution:
1. When you are a commander dont think that you are just to give orders and others will execute. When your help is needed, you should work with the group.
2. Avoid using the words "difficult" "impossible" "no" " not" "never" etc. Instead of saying "doing this would be difficult" you can say "doing this would be more TIME CONSUMING".
3. Call everyone with their chest number not by their name. Its a foul to call them by their name.
4. Use the people in your group wisely. Those who are trouble makers , keep them behind or away from the critical work. Those who are physically strong, make them lift loads like drums and planks. Those who are slim, to climb up the plank. Those who are thin and tall are good for jumping. In other words you should use your human resource efficiently.
5. In other's command task when you have a suggestion you should convey it first to Commander "Sir if we do this it would save alot of time" or "it would help us greatly". THis would catch the attention of GTO.
6. Always try to remain at the most critical point of the Task from where u can get the task done.
7. Its not compulsory that the task gets completed in the time alloted, when the GTO sees that the task would get completed or there is no way it would get done in time, he usually tells to stop and finishes it to save time. In my own task just 1st step was done in time and the whole task was still to be done, but when GTO saw that i can do it, he said "your time is up". GTO just wants to check your nerves , your ability to command others, your ability to come up with instant plans to solve some problem or challenge.
8. When the time is UP, put all the planks drums and other stuff back to their original place where they were at the start of the task. In exactly the same order.
OBSTICLES .....!!!
(2 mints and 9 obstacles) ...!!
NOTE: Red Color is out of bound if you touch it then it is considered as a foul and than you have to do it again on your own interest....!!
For Females (Obstacles 1-6 Except No.5)
1-) Ditch "7feet and 6inches with 4feet depth"
TIPS: Run and focus at the finishing end of the ditch don't look inside the ditch while jumping otherwise you will be in trouble.
2-) Boxing Ring
TIPS: Its very easy but having red ropes so be careful don't give foul.
3-) Walking over inclined small wooden planks.
TIPS: Its very easy just keep body balance equal and last plank is at the height of 8 feet from where you have to jump.
4-) High Jump " Height 4.5 feet"
TIPS: Run and jump over 4.5 feet if you touch the bamboo placed at the height of 4.5 feet than it is considered as a foul ... Its a difficult one but keep practicing you can do it.
5-) Tarzan Swing Jump
TIPS: Its very interesting obstacle you have to swing your self with the help of rope from one plank to another plank between these two planks all earth is out of bound... Just jump to the rope when helper give you the rope and swing to other plank and jump ...
6-) Passing through Tyre
TIPS: No tips for this one this is very very very easy obstacles among all.
7-) Hanging Bridge
TIPS: Its is the hanging plank bridge on the ditch just run and put your one foot in the middle of the plank and than other foot outside the ditch. Don't touch the ropes of the Hanging bridge because it will considered as a foul.
8-) Monkey Bridge
TIPS: These are two parallel ropes at the height of 14 feet .. at the start there is a ladder to reach the starting point and than you have to cross these parallel ropes and than at the end you have to climb through a rope....
9-) Rope Climbing "9feet"
TIPS: No tips for that one :-/ its very difficult one and having the highest points among all the obstacles .... If you have stamina of at least 8 to 9 chinups than you can easily do it....!!!
"All these 9 obstacles are not so much difficult.The time allowed will be 2 minutes and each obstacles have different marks.But one thing which must be noted is that when the whistle is started then do these obstacles in regular and respective manner,not try to complete the highest marks first it will take long time and your time and energy will be wasted by seeking the high marks obstacles."
"It is the individual task of each candidate, where candidate has to face every obstacle or hindrance or restriction in his individual or personal manner"
"you can also post your opinion regarding these ISSB obstacles "
(2 mints and 9 obstacles) ...!!
NOTE: Red Color is out of bound if you touch it then it is considered as a foul and than you have to do it again on your own interest....!!
For Females (Obstacles 1-6 Except No.5)
1-) Ditch "7feet and 6inches with 4feet depth"
TIPS: Run and focus at the finishing end of the ditch don't look inside the ditch while jumping otherwise you will be in trouble.
2-) Boxing Ring
TIPS: Its very easy but having red ropes so be careful don't give foul.
3-) Walking over inclined small wooden planks.
TIPS: Its very easy just keep body balance equal and last plank is at the height of 8 feet from where you have to jump.
4-) High Jump " Height 4.5 feet"
TIPS: Run and jump over 4.5 feet if you touch the bamboo placed at the height of 4.5 feet than it is considered as a foul ... Its a difficult one but keep practicing you can do it.
5-) Tarzan Swing Jump
TIPS: Its very interesting obstacle you have to swing your self with the help of rope from one plank to another plank between these two planks all earth is out of bound... Just jump to the rope when helper give you the rope and swing to other plank and jump ...
6-) Passing through Tyre
TIPS: No tips for this one this is very very very easy obstacles among all.
7-) Hanging Bridge
TIPS: Its is the hanging plank bridge on the ditch just run and put your one foot in the middle of the plank and than other foot outside the ditch. Don't touch the ropes of the Hanging bridge because it will considered as a foul.
8-) Monkey Bridge
TIPS: These are two parallel ropes at the height of 14 feet .. at the start there is a ladder to reach the starting point and than you have to cross these parallel ropes and than at the end you have to climb through a rope....
9-) Rope Climbing "9feet"
TIPS: No tips for that one :-/ its very difficult one and having the highest points among all the obstacles .... If you have stamina of at least 8 to 9 chinups than you can easily do it....!!!
"All these 9 obstacles are not so much difficult.The time allowed will be 2 minutes and each obstacles have different marks.But one thing which must be noted is that when the whistle is started then do these obstacles in regular and respective manner,not try to complete the highest marks first it will take long time and your time and energy will be wasted by seeking the high marks obstacles."
"It is the individual task of each candidate, where candidate has to face every obstacle or hindrance or restriction in his individual or personal manner"
"you can also post your opinion regarding these ISSB obstacles "
Individual Tasks
When it comes to individual tasks people think the more tasks they do the better impression they will make, but thats just a myth. I have seen people crossing 17 obstacles and getting rejected and those who did only 4 5 got recommended. The game is not about the number of tasks, the game is of how you cross those tasks, whether you showed reluctance before jumping or going up any obstacle.
The most difficult tasks are tarzen swing, monkey bridge, zig zag, and last but not the least, climbing rope. The main difficulty in these tasks is the fear of height, and the fear that if u fall you will get hurt and thats exactly what they are looking for in you. if you show that your out.
Tasks mainly are arranged in an improper manner and there is no particular sequence which u can adopt, you are told to go from which ever direction you like, GTO keenly observes the way you go through these tasks and sees if you go via proper pattern or haphazardly do those tasks. if you stop when ur about to jump or show any sort of fear that can create bad impression.
here are a few tips
1. if u get some scratches dont worry, and dont sit there and cry, infact if u get little injured and still carry on this shows ur determination.
2. try to go for the tasks in a sequence.
3. if u fail to cross an obstacle once try again and again but if u cant do it in the third attempt, then leave it and go for next.
4. try to practice climbing rope if you can find some facility.
5. Monkey bridge is not that difficult but people do feel scared while swinging on the tarzan swing. They can let go the rope fearing that they would fall.
6. High jump is not an issue if u takes a long run up.
7. Remember if you make a foul, by touching areas marked red on obstacles then attempt the obstacle again, don’t think you would be able to deceive the GTO or he might have not seen it.
When it comes to individual tasks people think the more tasks they do the better impression they will make, but thats just a myth. I have seen people crossing 17 obstacles and getting rejected and those who did only 4 5 got recommended. The game is not about the number of tasks, the game is of how you cross those tasks, whether you showed reluctance before jumping or going up any obstacle.
The most difficult tasks are tarzen swing, monkey bridge, zig zag, and last but not the least, climbing rope. The main difficulty in these tasks is the fear of height, and the fear that if u fall you will get hurt and thats exactly what they are looking for in you. if you show that your out.
Tasks mainly are arranged in an improper manner and there is no particular sequence which u can adopt, you are told to go from which ever direction you like, GTO keenly observes the way you go through these tasks and sees if you go via proper pattern or haphazardly do those tasks. if you stop when ur about to jump or show any sort of fear that can create bad impression.
here are a few tips
1. if u get some scratches dont worry, and dont sit there and cry, infact if u get little injured and still carry on this shows ur determination.
2. try to go for the tasks in a sequence.
3. if u fail to cross an obstacle once try again and again but if u cant do it in the third attempt, then leave it and go for next.
4. try to practice climbing rope if you can find some facility.
5. Monkey bridge is not that difficult but people do feel scared while swinging on the tarzan swing. They can let go the rope fearing that they would fall.
6. High jump is not an issue if u takes a long run up.
7. Remember if you make a foul, by touching areas marked red on obstacles then attempt the obstacle again, don’t think you would be able to deceive the GTO or he might have not seen it.
The candidate will be interviewed by the concerned assessor in one to one basis. The candidate should be free and frank enough to interact with the interviewer. The interviewer may ask questions relating to the candidate’s exposure to different environment i.e. self, family affairs, educational background etc.
He/she may be asked to analyze or interpret some of the national/international issues and hypothetical situations. Candidates are expected to be sincere and honest in their interview and must disclose the facts and figures to the best of his knowledge.
Important Tips
• Wear neat and clean dress..dress selection is very important..
• Dont use a huge quantity of jewelery/makeup,just simple.
• Enter with confident
• Panel normally consists of 05members
• Say Assalam-O-Alaikum
• When anyone say please have a seat then you sit on the chair with thanks otherwise standup till getting permission.
• Put your hand bag down with your chair’s right or left side leg;don’t use table for this purpose.
• Make use of full chair and put your hands on arms of chair
• Try to avoid in defending position(means crossing of hand on each other)
• Ist question normally asked introduce yourself,prepare it in English,in it highlight your achievements also..fully know what does your father,brothers and sisters do,,introduction will make a powerful impression on their minds.
• You must know meaning of your name,your caste history etc.
• I do believe that you have photocopied that filled form which you have submitted because they will ask some questions from it,so take a look on it that which things you have written on it..
• Then some questions will be asked regarding accounts by a member who is specialist in your subject
• prepare mathematical questions.
e.g. if price of dozen eggs are Rs.26 what is the price of 03 eggs?
What is 05 % of 200. etc.
• General knowledge e.g. capital of Sweden,president of India,which countries are included in far east,bhat currency is of which country etc means simple questions..say simply sorry which you don’t know..dont guess
• All Ranks of Army/Navy Airforce especially equivalence.
you must know that Lt.Commander of navy is equivalent to Major in Army,,flight lieutenant of paf is equivalent to captain in army etc
• you must know PAF Aeroplanes quantities,its fighting planes,names ect,JF THUNDER OF which country made..also know about al-khalid tank and abdozes/ships
• Why do you want to join PAKISTAN AIR FORCE?very important
• If you are are not selected then what will you do?
• What are your merits and demerits,they will further discuss your demerits specially,so prepare its cross questions at advance.avoid to say that demerit e.g i tell a lie often.
• if your academic career isn’t so good then definitely question will be asked,so make a solid reasons for low grades.
• look into the eyes of that panel member who put forward a question to you.And answer his/her question in that language in which he asked..dont roll ur eyes/cut ur tongue/fingers bending/lips sucking/lifting of feet.all these are the signs of try to avoid,you can do mirror practice at home.
• dont speak against Government/Armed Forces if he asks something about it.avoid any rudeness or anger
• If they said ok,that’s all, then say assalam-o-alaikum or ALLAH HAFIZ,lift your bag and quit the room.
The candidate will be interviewed by the concerned assessor in one to one basis. The candidate should be free and frank enough to interact with the interviewer. The interviewer may ask questions relating to the candidate’s exposure to different environment i.e. self, family affairs, educational background etc.
He/she may be asked to analyze or interpret some of the national/international issues and hypothetical situations. Candidates are expected to be sincere and honest in their interview and must disclose the facts and figures to the best of his knowledge.
Important Tips
• Wear neat and clean dress..dress selection is very important..
• Dont use a huge quantity of jewelery/makeup,just simple.
• Enter with confident
• Panel normally consists of 05members
• Say Assalam-O-Alaikum
• When anyone say please have a seat then you sit on the chair with thanks otherwise standup till getting permission.
• Put your hand bag down with your chair’s right or left side leg;don’t use table for this purpose.
• Make use of full chair and put your hands on arms of chair
• Try to avoid in defending position(means crossing of hand on each other)
• Ist question normally asked introduce yourself,prepare it in English,in it highlight your achievements also..fully know what does your father,brothers and sisters do,,introduction will make a powerful impression on their minds.
• You must know meaning of your name,your caste history etc.
• I do believe that you have photocopied that filled form which you have submitted because they will ask some questions from it,so take a look on it that which things you have written on it..
• Then some questions will be asked regarding accounts by a member who is specialist in your subject
• prepare mathematical questions.
e.g. if price of dozen eggs are Rs.26 what is the price of 03 eggs?
What is 05 % of 200. etc.
• General knowledge e.g. capital of Sweden,president of India,which countries are included in far east,bhat currency is of which country etc means simple questions..say simply sorry which you don’t know..dont guess
• All Ranks of Army/Navy Airforce especially equivalence.
you must know that Lt.Commander of navy is equivalent to Major in Army,,flight lieutenant of paf is equivalent to captain in army etc
• you must know PAF Aeroplanes quantities,its fighting planes,names ect,JF THUNDER OF which country made..also know about al-khalid tank and abdozes/ships
• Why do you want to join PAKISTAN AIR FORCE?very important
• If you are are not selected then what will you do?
• What are your merits and demerits,they will further discuss your demerits specially,so prepare its cross questions at advance.avoid to say that demerit e.g i tell a lie often.
• if your academic career isn’t so good then definitely question will be asked,so make a solid reasons for low grades.
• look into the eyes of that panel member who put forward a question to you.And answer his/her question in that language in which he asked..dont roll ur eyes/cut ur tongue/fingers bending/lips sucking/lifting of feet.all these are the signs of try to avoid,you can do mirror practice at home.
• dont speak against Government/Armed Forces if he asks something about it.avoid any rudeness or anger
• If they said ok,that’s all, then say assalam-o-alaikum or ALLAH HAFIZ,lift your bag and quit the room.
The candidate will be interviewed by the concerned assessor in one to one basis. The candidate should be free and frank enough to interact with the interviewer. The interviewer may ask questions relating to the candidate’s exposure to different environment i.e. self, family affairs, educational background etc.
He/she may be asked to analyze or interpret some of the national/international issues and hypothetical situations. Candidates are expected to be sincere and honest in their interview and must disclose the facts and figures to the best of his knowledge.
Important Tips
• Wear neat and clean dress..dress selection is very important..
• Dont use a huge quantity of jewelery/makeup,just simple.
• Enter with confident
• Panel normally consists of 05members
• Say Assalam-O-Alaikum
• When anyone say please have a seat then you sit on the chair with thanks otherwise standup till getting permission.
• Put your hand bag down with your chair’s right or left side leg;don’t use table for this purpose.
• Make use of full chair and put your hands on arms of chair
• Try to avoid in defending position(means crossing of hand on each other)
• Ist question normally asked introduce yourself,prepare it in English,in it highlight your achievements also..fully know what does your father,brothers and sisters do,,introduction will make a powerful impression on their minds.
• You must know meaning of your name,your caste history etc.
• I do believe that you have photocopied that filled form which you have submitted because they will ask some questions from it,so take a look on it that which things you have written on it..
• Then some questions will be asked regarding accounts by a member who is specialist in your subject
• prepare mathematical questions.
e.g. if price of dozen eggs are Rs.26 what is the price of 03 eggs?
What is 05 % of 200. etc.
• General knowledge e.g. capital of Sweden,president of India,which countries are included in far east,bhat currency is of which country etc means simple questions..say simply sorry which you don’t know..dont guess
• All Ranks of Army/Navy Airforce especially equivalence.
you must know that Lt.Commander of navy is equivalent to Major in Army,,flight lieutenant of paf is equivalent to captain in army etc
• you must know PAF Aeroplanes quantities,its fighting planes,names ect,JF THUNDER OF which country made..also know about al-khalid tank and abdozes/ships
• Why do you want to join PAKISTAN AIR FORCE?very important
• If you are are not selected then what will you do?
• What are your merits and demerits,they will further discuss your demerits specially,so prepare its cross questions at advance.avoid to say that demerit e.g i tell a lie often.
• if your academic career isn’t so good then definitely question will be asked,so make a solid reasons for low grades.
• look into the eyes of that panel member who put forward a question to you.And answer his/her question in that language in which he asked..dont roll ur eyes/cut ur tongue/fingers bending/lips sucking/lifting of feet.all these are the signs of try to avoid,you can do mirror practice at home.
• dont speak against Government/Armed Forces if he asks something about it.avoid any rudeness or anger
• If they said ok,that’s all, then say assalam-o-alaikum or ALLAH HAFIZ,lift your bag and quit the room.
Follow the suggestions to get clear the interviews, Your answers come under
the Candidates Reaction and the right way of answering comes under Suggestion
Candidates reactions: a) Peace overcomes war
b) War is destruction
c) I hate war
d) War means bloodshed
Suggestion: Love Peace, but be prepared for war
Candidate: a) Every one loves peace (Acceptable)
b) I love peace
c) Peace brings Progress ( Very Good)
Candidate: a) work is worship
b) Hard work pays (Acceptable)
c) Hardwork leads to success (Very Good)
d) Work while you work play while you play (Avoid using proverbs)
Candidate a) Defeat the enemy
b) Defeat the defeat
c) Defeat -dont get upset
d) Dont get depressed by defeats (Acceptable)
Suggestion: a) Defeat teaches us lessons.
b) Analyse causes of defeat to succeed
Candidate: a) I Love my Country (Good)
b) Serving our country is Nobel (Acceptable)
c) Its our duty to safeguard our country (A)
d) Country first self next
Follow the suggestions to get clear the interviews, Your answers come under
the Candidates Reaction and the right way of answering comes under Suggestion
Candidates reactions: a) Peace overcomes war
b) War is destruction
c) I hate war
d) War means bloodshed
Suggestion: Love Peace, but be prepared for war
Candidate: a) Every one loves peace (Acceptable)
b) I love peace
c) Peace brings Progress ( Very Good)
Candidate: a) work is worship
b) Hard work pays (Acceptable)
c) Hardwork leads to success (Very Good)
d) Work while you work play while you play (Avoid using proverbs)
Candidate a) Defeat the enemy
b) Defeat the defeat
c) Defeat -dont get upset
d) Dont get depressed by defeats (Acceptable)
Suggestion: a) Defeat teaches us lessons.
b) Analyse causes of defeat to succeed
Candidate: a) I Love my Country (Good)
b) Serving our country is Nobel (Acceptable)
c) Its our duty to safeguard our country (A)
d) Country first self next
ISSB by depti and phy
Questions Related To Your Bio-Data From ISSB Form Which You
Will Filled On First Day Of ISSB.
Questions Related To Your Academic Qualification,
Questions Related To Your Hobbies,
Questions Related To Your Task And Performance,
Questions Related To Your Islamiat,
Like · 1 · Jun 27
Irfan Ali
Questions Related To Forces,
Question Related Your emotions, And Feelings,
like If you didnt selected then what will you do..??
Questions Related To General Knowledge
Questions Related To Your Self Analysis,
What is the half of 1/8
sum up the num 101 102 103 104 105
What is 60% of 60
8000000 rupees don to kia karoge ?
What are the cities at KPK boundries ?
What is difference between PATA and FATA
What is the name Abu al anbia' kon thay ?
zulqarnain kon tha?
coastal highway?
indus highway?
ports k naam btaen?
brazil k north mn kon sa mulk hai ?
new zealand australia k kis direction mn hai?
france ka saddar kon hai ? ?
4.fathers occupation
5.peshawer k 3 air base k names
6.ghusal k kitny faraiz hain
7.aik discount wala question pocha tha jo k exact yad nai
8.pakistan k south east mai kya hai
9.agar mai apko 80,000Rs dun to what will u do with it
10.agar mai apko 80 lacs dun to ap kya karain gi
11. aik speed wala bhi tha k itny km per hour pai ja rai hai
to itny min mai kitna safar tai kary gi
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